Tuesday, August 13, 2024

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2958)....

 Superhero Anydays

Don't know the artist, but he's got Northstar leading the charge of a bunch of Marvel superheroes.  I don't know all of them, I don't think, but I'm pretty sure all the ones shown are LGBTQ+. 

Clockwise from upper right: Deadpool; some version of Captain Britain/Psylocke combination apparently...and didn't know this character was in the Alphabet Mafia ; I have no idea who the redhead is, maybe Red Sonja?; Black Cat I think; Hercules and Iceman; since that's Lockheed the Dragon, that has to be Shadowcat there too...though I didn't know she was anything but straight; the white lady with swords is unknown to me; Loki; don't know the one with just half a head; Negasonic Teenage Warhead; America Chavez; Moondragon; no idea who the black lady with the sword is; and Hulking and Wiccan. 
And today we have a family of X-Men cosplayers.

Jubilee, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Strom, Rogue


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