Monday, June 09, 2014

This is your coming out parade, you've been here for several years....

So, as you may, or may not, have heard, Saturday was the 2014 Capitol Pride Parade in DC. YAY.

I went again, for the, by my count, 17th time (although I may be off a number either way).  With was Stratcat, for her 5th time.  StartCat's cousin, CC, for her 4th time.  And CC's son, Josh, for his 3rd time.  Also going along was my fuckbuddy Derick.  (although, with fuckbuddies, you usually don't do anything with them but fuck.  And since he and I have seen a movie together in a theater and now spent the night at my house and then gone to Pride, maybe we've progressed to...friends with benefits?  Ah, labels, labels...but I digress...)

And a fun time was had by all.

After work, on Friday, I picked up Derick at his place.  We ordered a pizza, went to pick it up, stopped by the grocery store on the way to get him something to drink, and then came home.  We ate, then had some bedtimesexxyfun and then watched The Fifth Element on DVD.  We watched most of it with me sitting on the couch and he leaning up against me.  When I went to the bathroom, and came back down I sat on a chair and just let him lay on the couch.  And it wasn't too much longer until I saw and heard this:

(you might have to turn the volume up a bit to hear.  That's my stupid laugh near the end)  Poor lil guy was all tuckered out, it was just aDORable!  Anyway, soon after this, I turned off the DVD and we went to bed.

The next morning, we woke up a bit early and had some more bedtimesexxyfun before going back to sleep for a bit.  Upon getting out of bed, we watched the remaining portion of The Fifth Element.  Derick then got on my treadmill to run two miles while I took a shower.  While he showered, I putzed around online.

At noon we went to Montezumas where we met the other three for lunch.  Following a delicious (as always) meal, we headed down to DC. We got there without getting lost, missing any turns, and not getting any tolls.  The Metro was fine and we got to use the bathroom and get our bottles of water without issue.  Then we got to our usual standing space and watched the parade.

During the parade, I had a guy come over and put a sticker on my shirt for me.  Derick had a guy run over and put a string of beads around his neck.  But Josh, oh Josh... He had this really HOT guy in nothing but a Speedo run back to him, slide the beads over his head and he was just inches from Josh's face while he did so.  I got a photo of that!  AND, after it was over as we started to walk away, a girl ran up to Josh and told him that her friend thought he was REALLY cute!  And she pointed him out.  He was okay...his friends were cuter, to me anyway. But Josh, sweetheart that he is, told him to come over and then said he was cute too, but that he (Josh) already had a boyfriend.  (which he does) And THEN, on the Metro waiting for the train, these two girls and a cute guy, came up and were talking about something to Josh!  DAMN!  He was like a hot guy magnet or something.

So we had no issues on the Metro and got in our cars and drove to the Macaroni Grill in Frederick.  The food was great, but the waiter, Joey, was simply hilarious!  Talked to all of us, joked around, was quite entertaining!  I gave him a good tip.

After this, I took Derick back to his place and dropped him off, and then came back to my place.  I putzed online for a bit, and then got a shower and FINALLY got into bed.  And I was achy!  All I did was drive a car, ride the Metro, stand, ride the Metro, drive the car and eat, but MAN, was I tired.  And wiped out.

So that was the day.  The photos will be posted sometime soon.



Anonymous said...

Wait a're gay? That goes a long way (thats what she said) in explaining many thing......

stratcat45 said...

Hey - you forgot that I found $20.00 in the street after the parade!!

vuboq said...

Waaaah. I missed DC Pride again (silly Asheville Half Marathon), BUT my cuddly little boo bunny went. WHICH MEANS, that next year he *has* to go with me. AND hold my hand in public (both of which he has been loathe to do). YAY! See you next year at DC Pride, Polt!!!

(On the plus side, we will be going to San Francisco Pride, thanks to my work trip. YAYz!)