Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Yesterday morning, mom came down to the house and we cleaned the living room, dining room and kitchen.  Then we took my car to Hagerstown to get it washed....only to discover the car wash that we preferred was closed.  And appeared to be for some time.  So we did some shopping at Sam's and Target and then ate at Buffalo Wild Wings.

Before leaving for the car wash, I started to get a headache, on the left side of my head.  Just a small one, but as the day progressed it got worse and worse.    Last night, I took more Advil and went to bed before 9:00, although I didn't turn out the light until about 10:30.  And for the second time this year, I had to use the a/c to sleep.

This morning, when I woke up, the headache was still there. It was a nagging tiresome headache.  Not a migraine, thank God.  I just called in to work, took the day off and went back to sleep.  I got out of bed a little around 10:00.

All day today, I just sat around the house, watching TV or reading.  Gradually, the headache subsided and went away.  During the day, I threw a load of clothes in the washer.  After switching them to the dryer, I went to get them two hours later, only to find...I never turned the dryer on. *SIGH*  So I did that and went back upstairs to read some more.

After that, it got to be 80 degrees inside the house (87 outside) and the humidity had increased and became uncomfortable.  So i had to, for the first time this year, turn on the a/c downstairs.  It's now 74 inside (82 outside) but the humidity inside is much less, making it more bearable.  I feel certain I'll be sleeping with the a/c again.

Sunday, mom have me a quart of strawberries from a local farm.  She didn't pick them herself, although she used to LOVE to do that.  She went every summer, a couple time a summer.  Got on her hands and knees and picked them herself.  Now, though, he knees won't let her that anymore.  And since she's 71 and not 41, or 51, she probably shouldn't be doing that anyway.  So she just buys quarts from the farm that are already picked.  Anyway, they are delicious, much better than the kind I get at the store.  They're smaller than those huge ones, but they're also fresher and sweeter.  And probably healthier for me too.  I love them.  Had a few today.

Even though i did nothing but laundry all day, I'm tired.  And probably going to bed before nine again.  Although without a headache tonight.  And hopefully not when I wake up tomorrow, so I can go to work and get caught up on the backlog.  Cause I'm only working three days this week now.  Saturday is the Gay Pride Parade in DC!  YAY!


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Hope the headache never comes back. We really should clone Mama Polt! I would love some strawberries and help cleaning the house : ).

Hope you have a great time at Pride - I'm sure you'll be posting pics of all the fun.