Saturday, May 14, 2016

Blessed with this marvelous night....

So, as you know, last Saturday, I went to see Captain America: Civil War.  I needed to see it again, though, to adequately evaluate it.  So mid week, I was talking to my buddy Ryan at work and telling him how great it was.  I asked if he had seen it yet, he said no.  I asked if his wife wanted to see it, he said he was sure she didn't.  So he and I made plans to see it Monday afternoon at 1:00PM.

Cut to Friday, mid morning, at work.  My phone rings, and it's A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking.  He says he's taking the girls and his wife to see CA;CW, and he wants to know if I want to go along.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to see it three times or not, so I told him so, and said to let me think about it and I'd call him back later in the day.  He said he was ordering the tickets RIGHT NOW, so I had until RIGHT NOW to make up my mind.  I was still hemming and hawing around about it and he just said, "Come to my house after work, eat supper with us and then go to see the movie with us."  And I was like, "Yeah, okay, do it."

So, after work, then, I drove the ParisPeking household.  I played with dog's and talked to the girls, and the parents a bit too.  We had a delicious supper of shake-N-bake chicken, caesar salad, pasta and divorce buns (it's a long story, don't ask).  I ate WAY too many buns and had WAY too much pasta for a diabetic like myself.

We had time to go until we had to leave, so the girls and I took a walk around the neighborhood.  I forgot to start my walking app when we started, but soon thereafter I did.  What I recorded was .74 mile walk in about 15 minutes.

The middle child kept saying something about us getting hit by a car.  I told her they were not allowed to get hit by a car, because if they got hit by a car, I'd have to carry them back to the house, and I didn't want to carry them back because I had a stomach full of spaghetti.  I might have to throw up if I had to carry them back to the house.  And this became an ongoing conversation between us for the rest of the night.

"Why are we NOT going to get hit by a car?"
"Because if we do, you'd have to carry us back to the house."
"And why don't I want to carry you back to the house?"
"Because you have a stomach full of spaghetti noodles."
"And why doesn't that matter?"
"Because you'll puke them up."  Followed by a lot of giggles.

Gotta love kids.

So anyway, when it was time to leave for the movie, the three girls rode with me, and we had quite an interesting conversation on the fifteen minute or so ride there.  Topics included: what baby animals are called; why no one wants to live in the city; how snakes go to the bathroom; how male seahorses carry the babies in their pouch; how if daddy sewed a purse onto his stomach, he could be a seahorse; etc, etc, etc.

At the theater, despite having just eaten all that pasta, I ordered the large popcorn and large regular soda (cause ya know, getting that special deal is cheaper.....).  Oh, my blood sugar......

So we watched the movie (well except for the littlest ParisPeking girl, who fell asleep at some point), and then they went home and I went home.

I still want to wait to see it once more (on Monday) before I give my review.  But I'm kinda leaning towards this being the Best. Comicbook. Movie. EVAH!

Oh and I have a few pics:

This is Daisy, who I spent some time playing with.

See a vicious tug-of-war.

AH!  An equally vicious attack!

Someone got a lil tuckered out though.

That is the smallest ParisPeking child, just placed here for comparison purposes: the popcorn and soda are BOTH larger than her head!

And this is the walk we took.


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