Thursday, May 26, 2016

Monday night, since it had been cold, damp, and rainy all day, when I went to bed, I turned the heat on.  Like I had been doing.

Tuesday night, it was warmer, so I didn't need the heat.

Last night when I went to bed, I was tempted to turn the a/c on!

And tonight, I just MAY turn it was 90 degrees when i got off work!

This is crazy.  I hate summer and more specifically, heat!  It's bad enough that it's gonna be over 90 this weekend.  But it's even worse that just three days ago, the daytime high was like 50.  Three to four days is just NOT enough.  I wouldn't enjoy it if there were three weeks between the 50 and the 90, but just a few DAYS?

That's just wrong.


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