Wednesday, January 03, 2024

I am a virus, I am a coil around your spine....


Sunday night, New Years Eve, I was at the ParisPekings', like I have been most of the last18 New Years Eve, and I developed a scratchy throat.  Well they have three indoor cats, which I am of course allergic to, so I though that was the cause.  

When I woke up Monday morning, my throat was worse and my head was full of snot.  I took a COVID test, came back negative.  Okay, must just have caught the flu somewhere, and I started on Alka-Seltzer Plus.   Took that the rest of the day and then the headache and body aches started.   And continued. 

Tuesday it was really bad when I work up, but as I started on the A-S+, the symptoms calmed down a lil bit.   But I still felt like crap. 

Wednesday when I got up, no change.  Plus I was horribly fatigued, had no energy.  And I had a very very slight fever.  So it's been 48 hours, I took another COVID test. 



SO I called work, told them, got the current policy (a 5 day quarantine from work, must wear a mask for a week after returning and I'll need a doctor's note when I come back).  Called mom and told her (and warned her since I was out for lunch on Monday after testing negative.  I knew I had some sort of flu then, so I tried not to spend too much time close to them.  But I did eat directly across the dining room table from them.   So fingers crossed they're not infected).  Then went out to Urgent Care.   Had a great nurse and doctor.  Got a prescription to Paxlovid, and they did an EMT cause my heart rate was a bit high.  But she said the heart was fine, but if I feel chest pains to go to the ER.  And of course, now I have to patches shaver in my upper chest for the things to stick too (damn being so hairy).

Didn't take too long at CVS (remarkably) and now I've just spent the day doing nothing.  Which is not usual, cause usually do nothing.  But today bu doing nothing sucks cause I'm not feeling well.  Still, I hope it doesn't get any worse than this.

So yeah, after three years and ten months of remaining COVID free, of masking up and social distancing (even when that well went out of style), I've finally caught it.  I guess it was only a matter of time.  And I'm glad it was after I was vaccinated!


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