Monday, September 16, 2024

You're wantin' my body, I don't mind (Part 963)...


This week, we have Hot Shirtless Guy Selfies With Backwards Caps!


Sunday, September 15, 2024

I've got books lining my shelves, day and night...

 Books 2024

Today, while ordering some things on Amazon (don't judge me), I ordered three books.

The Wrong Earth: Night And Day, by Tom Peyer and Juan Castro
The Old Order Changeth!: The Enhancement And Embroidering Of Superhero Origins, by Jim Beard
From Garfield To Harding: The Success Of The MidWestern Front Porch, by Jeffrey Normand Bourdon

Yearly Totals: 

Jan 29: 5 books for $62.17, average of $12.43 per book
Apr 2: 3 books for $11.63, average of $3.88 per book
     Totals: 8 books for $73.80, average of $9.23 per book
Apr 10: 2 books for $31.10, average of $15.55 per book
     Totals: 10 books for $104.90, average of $10.49 per book
Apr 26: 4 books for $59.13, average of $14.78 per book
     Totals: 14 books for $164.03, average of $11.72 per book
Apr 27: 1 book for $15.99
     Totals: 15 boos for $180.02, average of $12.01 per book
Jul 17: 2 books for $12,70, average of $6.35 per book
     Totals: 17 books for $192.72, average of $11.34 per book
Jul 26: 2 books for $35.82, average of $17.91 per book
     Totals: 19 books for $228,54, average of $12.01 per book
Aug 25: 2 books for $41.90, average of $20.95 per book
     Totals: 21 books for $270.44, average of $12.88 per book
Sep 15: 3 books for $58.65, average of $19.55 per book
     Totals: 24 books for $329.09, average of $13.71 per book
Of these 24 books, 20 are actual books, 4 are graphic novels


I would not sell my collection, for if I did, I would cry (Part 106)...

 Today's In The History Of Polt's Comic Book Collection

Today, we travel back to September of 2009, the month and year I moved into my house, and DC's Justice League Cry For Justice. 

I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't remember much about this series.  I know it's right before the Poo52 destroyed everything good about DC in that craptastic reboot.  But DC wasn't as good right before then anyway...maybe that's why I don't know remember a lot about this miniseries.   

I do remember the "Justice League" in this series was as a weird one: among it's members were brand new members Supergirl, Congorilla, Starman II, and Captain Marvel JR, along established heroes like Green Arrow, Green Lantern and the Atom.  I wasn't opposed to new members (except maybe Congorilla, an E or F-List hero at best!), but for them all to be dumped in at once, without a large number of established heroes was a bit much. 

Again, I really remember nothing about this series, so that tells you how good it actually was. 

 NFL 2024 Picks 

I have no idea if I'll stick with this or not, but as of the end of Week 1: 

The Dallas Cowboys stand at 1-0.  YAY. 

I am at 12-4 and ALCMDPP is at 8-8. 

If I stay with this, I'll update us when week 2 is over


Two worlds, one family (Part 15)...

 Heroes Of Two Earths

Today we have the Hawkmen! 

Hawkman of Earth-2, Carter Hall, on the left.  Archeologist, Egyptologist, discovered he was the reincarnation of an ancient Pharoh.  Found the Nth metal, it allowed him to fly, and he became Hawkman.  Fought evil during WWII.  Was a member of the wartime All-Star Squadron.  Was founding member, chairman and longtime member of the JSA.

Hawkman of Earth-1, Katar Hol, on the right.  He's an alien policeman from the planter Thanagar.  Using Thanagar science, and the Nth metal they made, he came to Earth in his spaceship, and lived and worked here, fighting crime and joining the JLA. 

I'd be remiss in not noting that Hawkman1 has gone through so many freaking reboots and rewrites, that I currently have no idea what his origin actually is.  So I'm going with the one I know, the one that was the case up until circe 1990 when DC started fucking around with the character and his origin and messed everything up royally. 


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 4808)...

 Check This Out!

So true, so true. 


If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2990)

 Superhero Anydays

Today, by the great Alan Davis, we have a batch of Avengers from the late 70s era team!

Wonder Man, Beast
Scarlet Witch, Ms. Marvel, Vision
Iron Man, Thor
Captain America

A pretty impressive team!
And today we also have internet celeb and cosplayer, Calosgzz, in his homemade, gender bent, Scarlet Witch cosplay. 

Damn impressive work!  And he looks so good in it. 


I took the road less traveled by (Part 2371)...


Territorial expansions of The United States, by year.  


Put your love to the test (Part 1180)....

Where To Put It? 

This is internet celeb Thembo Nymph.  Where does this pic belong?  Real Men Wear Pink?  Fetching Faces?  Wifebeater Wednesdays?  Check This Out!? 


Out of control, cause this dog ain't new (Part 900)....

 Heavenly Hounds


If you don't make the choice, and you don't use your voice, someone else will speak for you instead (Part 14)....

 Election 2024

Yeah, I totally don't get it either.  


Yeah, I did change the title of these posts.  It's longer, but I liked it better than the old one. 

It's so cool, to be uncool (Part 701)....

 What's Cool? 

You think you're cool?  Well you'll NEVER be as cool as the Sesame Street Fever album!

Surely you can't be as cool as the songs:

If Elmo Can't Have You
More Then A Cookie Monster
Stayin' A-Grouch
Big Bird Boogie Shoes
How Deep Is Grover's Love


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 4807)....

 Check This Out!

I have questions.....


Let's get unconscious honey (Part 815)....


Here are 10 Random Words.  I'm listing the first word or words that come to mind when I hear them.

1. Exemption :: Exception
2. Underline :: Emphasize
3. Dismiss :: Goodbye
4. Paragraph :: Sentence
5. Survivor :: Lived
6. Perceive :: See
7. Financial :: Money
8. Ignore :: Snobbery
9. Virus :: COVID
10. Management :: Boss

Total props to LunaNina, she ran this from her blog for years. 


I drive my mini-Cooper and I'm feeling super-dooper (Part 789)...

 Superman Sundays

This week, we have Superman cosplayers and their cosplayer friends. 

Superboy, Superman, Mon-El

Superman and Green Lantern

The Flash and Superman


Two worlds, one family (Part 14)...

 Heroes Of Two Earths

Today we have roughly the same person: Earth-2's Hawkgirl (on left) and Earth-1's Hawkwoman (on right).  

Both were the wives of Hawkman.  Hawkgirl was Shiera Sanders Hall, and was a reincarnation of an Egyptian queen (don't ask, it's too complicated).  She was active during WWII fighting alongside the All-Star Squadron, and although her husband was the longtime member and chairman of the JSA, she didn't join officially until decades later.  Together they had a son, Hector, who became a hero himself and gave them a grandson Daniel.  Hawkwoman was Shayera Hol and, like her husband, was an alien from the planet Thanagar.   They both were law enforcement there and came to Earth and stayed here.  Both were members of the JLA. They had no children.  So once again (like the Green Lanterns) Earth-2 heroes get their power from magic (reincarnation, Nth metal magical metal forged in ancient Egypt allowing them to fly) while Earth-1 heroes get their power from science (alien technology far beyond ours makes Nth metal allowing them to fly and giving them a spaceship to travel in a live in in Earth orbit).


Saturday, September 14, 2024

I took the road less traveled by (Part 2370)....



Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 4806)....

 Check This Out!

And you can be damn sure they're voting too.  *SIGH*


IF I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2989)....

 Superhero Anydays

Today by, I think Steve Lightle, we have my second favorite member of the Legion Of Super-Heroes: Phantom Girl.

And today we also have cosplayer Itstyreek doing a Green Lantern John Stewart cosplay. 


Put your love to the test (Part 1179)....

 Where To Put It? 

So these two sexy Asians in blue swimwear, where do they belong?  Fetching Faces?  Shirtless Mondays?  Thursday Thighs?  Check This Out!? 


Latex thongs, licorice whips, strap it on (Part 306)...

 Mankini Men


The truth is I never left you (Part 1823).....

 TRUTH After The Time Of Trump 
(two times impeached, 
two four times indicted on 91 charges (so far)
two time loser of the popular vote
And now, a convicted felon, 34 times over)

"But somehow I just can't make up my mind who to vote for."



Gonna dress you up in my love (Part 161)....

 Dudes In Dresses

Today, we have a cute bearded twink in a long skirt (okay, I know it's possibly a kilt, but whatever).


Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 4805)....

 Check This Out!

Anyone know the Enterprise E was so freaking big?  That's a model of the Enterprise E and below it, the Reliant, from the Wrath of Khan....and both are to scale. 

I mean, the Reliant looks like a freakin shuttlecraft!!!


My baby's got a secret (Part 906).....

 Secret Saturdays

This week, we have Lottery Secrets!