Saturday, September 21, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 21)...

 Heroes Of Two Earths

Today we have another super person from both Earths: Rose And Thorn.

Earth-2's version was Rose Canton.  She had a split personality and her other personality could control plants.  She originally fought the Flash, but was cured with medication.  She later married Alan Scott, The Green Lantern.  They had a set of twins, who grew up to be founding members of Infinity Inc: Jade and Obsidian.  But after doing so, her madness reoccurred and her other personality reasserted itself.  She left her husband, put the twins up adoption and disappeared.  Years later she reappeared, fought Green Lantern again and when her sanity reasserted itself, she killed herself,

Earth-1's version Lynne Rose Forrest, was the daughter of a Metropolis police officer who was killed in a gang killing.  At night, while Rose was asleep, her other personality, Thorn, came out and went out onto the streets to fight crime.  She teamed up with Superman and Booster Gold among others.  

So in this case, one was a supervillain and the other was a superheroine.  A unique case. 


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