Sunday, September 29, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 29)....

 Heroes Of Two Earths

Today we have John Zatara.  He's a stage magician who is nonetheless also an actual magician.  He can do magic by speaking the spell backwards. 

He premiered in Action Comics #1, the same issue where Superman first appeared.  He wasn't an active hero on Earth-2, just basically fighting crime where ever he was working with his stage show.  However, he did work occasionally with the WWII era All Star Squadron.  Eventually, he retired from both stage work and magic and has presumably died.

On Earth-1, Zatara was born a bit later and his origin was basically the same: a stage magician who could do actual magic by speaking backwards.  He had no superhero career, just the stage act.  At some point he married and had a daughter Zatanna Zatara.    Zatanna had his magic powers and became a super-heroine.  She eventually joined the JLA and was a long time member.   On this Earth, he had passed on as well. 


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