Monday, September 30, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 30)....

 Heroes of Two Earths

And to wrap this feature up, on this last day, we have the premiere team of Earth-1, The Justice League Of America and the premiere team of Earth-2, The Justice Society of Ameria, as drawn by the Always Amazing Alex Ross. 

While some heroes on one team have counterparts on the other and some don't, each TEAM is the counterpart of the other TEAM!

On the leaf hand side is Earth-2's JSA, on the right, Earth-1's JLA.  But I'll do them in rows. 

Top row: Spectre, Dr. Fate, Sandman, Robin, Superman2, Superman1, Batman, Martian Manhunter, Firestorm, Elongated Man's head, and Johnny Thunder's Magic Thunderbolt (from Earth-2).
Middle Row: Hawkman2, Wonder Woman2, Green Lantern2, Flash2, Flash1, Green Lantern1, Wonder Woman1, Hawkman1, Hawkwoman
Lower row: Power Girl, Starman, Dr. Mid-Nite, Wildcat, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Red Tornado and Elongated Man's body
In front: Huntress, Star-Spangled Kid, Johnny Thunder, Atom2, Hourman, Aquaman, Atom2 (on his shoulder), Zatanna, and the JLA "mascot" Snapper Carr.


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