Saturday, September 28, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 28)...

 Heroes Of Two Earths

Today we have the Amazing Amazon, Wonder Woman!

On the bottom, we have Earth-2's Wonder Woman, on top we have Earth-1's.   They both have the same origin.  You can tell them apart  because the Earth-2 WW has those boots with the pointy out edges (or sometimes wears strap up boots), he breastplate has an eagle not WW like Earth-1's, sometimes she wears a star spangled skirt.  Also, she's drawn with some gray in her hair, and usually, her hair is under he tiara while Earth-1's tiara goes under her hair. 

On Earth-2, after WWII, Wonder Woman married Steve Trevor and they had a daughter Lyta, who later became the super-heroine Fury.


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