Monday, March 10, 2014

I blame this on the new meds I started in December, but for the last couple months, I've been having crazy dreams.  Or maybe its just that I'm remembering them more since then.  Prior to December, I either didn't dream much, or didn't remember then.

But in the last couple months, well, I've had some crazy ones.  Driving through the English countryside in a sportcar through narrow roads, I came upon a large wall that I managed to jump.  But doing so, I found the ground on the other size was dozens of feet below me and had these long widely space steps that somehow I had to get the car down them.

Or the one where I was at the local school stadium and there was a big tent with people selling wares there, and I was in the tent, looking for mom.  I ran into dad who was walking Angel and they were looking for her too.  In fact, dad was pretty pissed and yelling, as he used to do, when he found out I didn't know where she was either.  And then we had to look for her.

Or the one where Michelle Obama told me calmly (although I could tell she was really pissed) that was not happy with the way I was dancing because she thought I was mocking her husband's dancing when I was dancing.

Or the one where my cousin and I had to re-decorate a rather small apartment per someone else's directions and do it in a short period of time with little money and the directions were extremely particular.

I dont remember all the weird dreams I've had.  Not now anyway. I remember then upon waking, but soon forget.  And that's unusual too, cause I never used to remember them at all.

But hey, at least they're not nightmares, ya know?


1 comment:

Tam said...

I've had dreams similar to that car dream. I've found myself somewhere that I am running out of space or suddenly I'm straddling the median, very stressful.

And I'm sure you'd never mock Barack with your dancing. LOL