Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I'll murk you like Deadpool, decapitate you early....

Oh so over the weekend I saw Deadpool.

I had no intention of seeing this, I am NOT a fan of Deadpool.  But a few weeks ago, I saw a trailer for the movie, and saw it had Colossus in it.  And, I heard Ryan Reynolds was shirtless or naked in a good portion of it.  So, yeah, I was in.

I didn't like it, but I didn't NOT like it either.  I didn't like it for the same reason I don't like Deadpool in the comics: pretentious self-awareness.  I do not like that the character breaks the fourth wall.  I didn't like all the violence, frankly, even though that's what Deadpool's all about.

But there were some laugh-worthy moments.  And there WERE the shirtless/naked Ryan Reynolds scenes. And the special effects were pretty good.  But I still can't give it a thumbs up.  Nor can I give it a thumbs down.

So I give Deadpool The Movie a thumbs sideways.


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