Friday, February 19, 2016

Mockingbird, don't you mock me no more....

Once of my co-workers called me this morning to tell me that Harper Lee died.  And he was shocked into silence when I told him I didn't know who that was.  Then it came to me WHO she was, but he was still shocked.  And then I told him I never read "To Kill A Mockingbird".  Which shocked him even more.

I spoke to him later to explain that I never had to read it, either in school or college.  When I worked at Borders and got 33% off books, I decided I wanted to buy, and read, all those classics I never had.  I read "The Great Gatsby".  I bought and read "Animal Farm".  I bought and started to read "1984", but got bogged down in it and never finished.  And I also never got on to reading those other classics I had wanted to, including "To Kill A Mockingbird".

He said he had seen the movie years ago and thought it was great.  It also got him to read the book, which he called, 'the greatest American novel".  So when I got home, I decided I'd watch the movie, it's on Netflix Streaming.

SO I'm nearing the end of the movie now.  I'm not gonna lie....I'm a bit underimpressed.  The whole first half hour was just boring as hell, those kids running around and doing...well nothing.  The courtroom part was a little better, but I saw it coming from a mile away.  I mean, as soon as he was clarifying which side of the head the bruises and black eye were on, I KNEW someone was left handed and the defendant was not (although I didn't see his arm not working at all).

I don't know, maybe there's some great ending to this film that'll make it better than it seems right now, but we'll see.  I further am not inspired to read the book.  I mean, the movie is fine, there's nothing really wrong with it, I guess I just had high expectations that it didn't reach.


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