Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A strong whiner, I had a hard night....

Okay, I'm just gonna say this, so it's all clear to everyone.

The primaries are when the various parties choose which person they want to represent them in the general election in November.  If you're not a member of a specific party, why should you have any say in who that party chooses to represent it?  

If you want to vote for the Democratic nominee for president, then be a Democrat.  It's that damn simple.

Don't whine and complain that you didn't get to vote because you're an Independent.  If you can't be bothered to register for a specific party, why do you think you should have any say in who that party chooses to run in November?

It's like this: I'm not a Mason, so I get no say in who the Masons choose to be their leader.   If I want to have a say in who leads the Masons, then I should damn well become a Mason!

Now, just replace Mason with the word Democrat, or Republican.  Its all still the same.  And it's just that damn simple.

I'm damn glad I live in a state with a closed primary.  I don't want people who can't be bothered to become Democrats to have as much say in choosing my party's nominee as I do.

GOD, all those whiners....."I was unable to vote for Bernie!  It's corrupt!  It's cheating!  It's unfair!  WAAAAAAAA!"


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