Monday, April 25, 2016

On the prison bus, this is it, the apocalypse....

Okay, I usually try to avoid trailers of movies I want to see.  I don't want to know anything about the movie, or scenes of it specifically, so I can be surprised when I see it on the big screen.  However, I just watched this one, and I LITERALLY got goosebumps all over.

I was never a fan of Apocalypse in the comics, and when I heard he was the villain in this movie, I went "meh".  But after watching this, and the getting the resulting goosebumps, I am now quick anxious to see this.

Not anxious enough to see it opening night....but opening weekend, absolutely.

Okay, just watched it a second time and got the goosebumps again...I am PUMPED for this movie.


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