Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Come join our party, not just anyone will do (Part 31)...

And then there was one.  Ohio Governor John Kasich suspended his campaign today.

I agree Chris Tucker, Kasich just needs to move along, move along.

I gotta say, if this Republican primary has been one thing, that one thing is surprising.  I never thought Trump would last a few primaries, much less get the nomination.  I never thought Scott Walker would fizzle out so quickly.  I never thought Jeb! would be such a non-starter especially since he had more money than some small nations to begin with.  

I never understood why George Pataki and Jim Gilmore even started a campaign at all...and the Republican voters apparently couldn't understand that either.  I never understood why Kasich enter the contest either, especially over four months after the first Republican candidate declared, thus getting a very late start.  I never understood why Rubio had such an abyssmal groundgame in the early states.

And more recently, I was surprised at the Carly VP choice by Rafael Cruz just a week before he drops out.  I was surprised Rafael Cruz dropped out at all, cause I thought he was clearly stupid, stubborn and arrogant enough to stay in until the convention.  After the Indiana results yesterday, I was surprised Kasich said he was in it until the convention.  And then today, suddenly, he announces he's dropping out.


I mean, I KNOW the Republican party, or at least a large portion of its members, are crazy.  But this primary campaign has taken that to an all new level.

And so, this means, Donald Trump is unopposed for the Republican nomination for President.  And just as I said last night, I say again, God help the Republican Party.  And God help the United States Of America, and the WORLD, as well!

Anyway, here's the list: 

Hillary Clinton: April 12, 2015 - 376 days
Bernie Sanders: April 30, 2015 - 363 days (even though he's really an Independent)
Martin O'Malley: May 30, 2015 - 241 day campaign
Lincoln Chaffee: June 3 - October 23, 2015 - 136 day campaign
Jim Wbb: July 2 - October 20, 2015 - 105 day campaign
Joe Biden: 0 day campaign

And the clown car bus that IS the Republican Candidates
Ted Cruz; March 23, 2015 - 400 day campaign

Rand Paul: April 7, 2015 - 298 day campaign
Marco Rubio: April 13, 2015 - 337 day campaign
Ben Carson: May 4, 2015 - 302 day campaign
rly Fiorina: May 4, 2015 - 274 day campaign
Mike Huckabee: May 5, 2015 - 264 day campaign
Rick Santorum: May 27, 2015 - 243 day campaign
George Pataki: May 28 2015 - 207 day campaign
Lindsay Graham: June 1, 2015 - 197 campaign
Rick Perry: June 4 - Sep 11, 2015 - 95 day campaign

Jeb Bush: June 15, 2015 - 247 day campaign
Donald Trump: June 16, 2015 - 308 days

Bobby Jindal: June 24 - Nov 17, 2015 - 140 day campaign
Chris Christie: June 30, 2015 - 205 day campaign
Scott Walker: July 13 - Sep 18, 2015: 64 day campaign

John Kasich: July 21, 2015 - 284 day campaign
Jim Gilmore
: July 29, 2015 - 202 day campaign


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