Monday, August 01, 2016

It's not easy, before we do the curtain....

It's never easy, is it?

For some time, I've been planning to re-caulking my tub.  It's needed it for some time.  So today, mom came in, we checked out the tub and then went to Lowe's and I bought the caulking.  We came home, and together (without either of us falling into the tub headfirst....although that almost happened twice...), we took the old caulking off and put the new caulking on.  The whole thing took only about 35 minutes and we had no problems with doing it.

However, at the same time we were doing this, I was doing laundry.  And in the middle of the three loads I had to do...the dryer broke.  Well the knobs did anyway.  Two of them (one when mom pulled it off to show me how the knobs came off...and then she couldn't get it back on.  Bless her soul.)

So anyway, we took my clothes out to her house and put them in the dryer there.  Then we went to the local appliance guy and made an appointment for him to come Wednesday morning (mom will come in and let him in).  And then we got something to eat, went back to her place, where I got one load that way dry and brought them home.  The other load is waiting out there for me (I'll probably get it tomorrow).

It's just never easy when I, and we, try to do anything.


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