Friday, August 04, 2017

Saw this on Twitter today:

Andrea Junker I am flabbergasted at the willingness of Trump supporters to endure limitless shame and ridicule just to avoid admitting they were wrong.

This.  ALL of this!  This is exactly what amazes me too!

I remember, in early, mid 2006, after the debacle of Katrina and six years of Bushie's ineffectualness and willful ignorance, you couldn't find a SINGLE person who had voted for George W. Bush, once much less twice.  Or at least you couldn't find any one who would admit it.

When this tRump debacle collapses into a pile of rubble....and it WILL happen, it's only a matter of when, when that's happened, again, you will not be able to find a SINGLE person who voted for tRump (or who would admit to doing so).

But believe me....I remember.  I know, and I will continue to remember.  And if I've not been shipped off to one of the 're-education' camps for fags by that time, I will absolutely NOT allow anyone to get away with denying it.  EVER.


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