Monday, July 22, 2024

 SO after a day and a half of thought and reflection....

When I was first told Biden was stepping aside, I was angry, disappointed and upset.   Not at him, but at the Democratic poobahs and their megadonors who forced him out.  I wasn't going to donate any more money or time to a Democrat, fuck 'em, they can get their cash from the megadonors.  I was expecting a Democratic circular firing squad with all the contenders tearing each other apart on the way to a chaotic and brokered convention.  And I'm sure that's what the media was salivating over too. 

I should have just trusted Biden.  The man's been in politics longer than I've been alive.  He knows how all this works. I should have expected him to have things figured out. 

Firstly, I find it freaking hi-LAR-ious that he waited until after the RNC to make the announcement.  The Republicans spent a week taking pock shots at him and calling him everything but a white man.  And then, poof, he's gone.  All that time and money wasted.  And tRump whining about it makes it all the better.  Also, all those Biden attack ads are more wasted money.  All those "Let's Go Brandon" tshirt and flags and merch.....worthless now. 

And best of all, ten days after his "assassination" attempt and three days after his convention...tRump isn't the story anymore.  Biden's stepping down and the resulting things are sucking up all the air in the room.  He's almost irrelevant.  I mean, he won't be all the way to the election (but God I wish he would be), but for now, no one cares.  And that's gotta be driving him nuts. 

Secondly, I can't belp but think that all the coalescing around Harris isn't something Biden had planned.  I mean, as soon as he drops out, he endorses her.  And then the money starts flooding in (over $100 million so far, and in just a day and a half) AND the endorsements come flooding in too.  As of now, there's 100% of Democratic governors and over 80% of the Democratic House and Senate members.  She's got three fourths of the delegated needed to win the nomination already committed to her, and certainly more will join that.  But tomorrow she should have more than enough delegated committed to her. 

She's got the endorsement of Biden, Clinton, Hillary, John Kerry, AND all her potential rivals for the nomination: Newsom Whitmer, Buttigieg, Shapiro, even others I hadn't considered.  The field is cleared. 

Thirdly, I did have to laugh out loud when I head last night Manchin was thinking of reregistering as  Democrat and running against her in the convention.  And the I had to laugh even harder today when he stated he wouldn't do it.  Clearly, enough Democrats told him he's have exactly zero support.  In fact, I hope several Democrats told him they don't even want him back in the party.  I surely dont. 

On Twitter, and political Facebook, ALL the talk is Harris and her money and her possible VP selection, etc.  Oh, and there's some stories about how gallant Biden is for falling on his sword, taking one for the team.  Woulda been nice to hear the Media say things like that about him BEFORE he withdrew. 

Oh and also I've seen some clips of people like Katy Tur and Andrea Mitchell who look positively despondent the the Democrats have so swiftly and completed banded together behind Harris.  I'm sure they were praying for the infighting they (and I) expected.  I'm so glad I was wrong and they are disappointed.

Democrats are energized!  I haven't seen them this energized in a long time, perhaps in 92 with Clinton or certainly 08 with Obama.   I didn't send a lot of energy with Biden in 20, I mean we all wanted him to win, but we were so discouraged and beaten down after all the crap of the tRump years, and plus COVID was raging and there were no vaccines so everyone was scared and in survival mode.    But's like totally revitalized.  And I an here for it. 

But we need to be prepared.  Republicans are going to bring out the most vile, the most heinous, the most misogynistic and racist attacks, it's going to be like all the crap Obama and Hillary went through, times 2 or 3.  It's really gonna be bad.  But Harris and her team know this and have to be ready.     I'm sure they're prepared.

I'm actually anxious for the convention!  I haven't been anxious for a Democratic convention since...well Clinton in 92 or Obama in 08.  I can't wait to see Biden farewell speech, Harris's acceptance speech, see what her VP has to say.   I'm ready to be energized and fired up by the speakers.  Hell I may just watch all of it, all four nights.  Don't think I've done that since, wait for it.....Clinton in 92 or Obama in 08. 

Let's Fucking Go!


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