Saturday, July 27, 2024

Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 4710)....

 Check This Out!

So the right wing MAGAmorons are all in a tizzy because the Olympic opening ceremonies had a table full of drag queens in a Last Supper setup.   They're saying its sacrilegious and they're just as wound up as all get out.  

Of course the upper pic doesn't bother them in the least.  I've seen a bunch of images just as freakish and definitely sacrilegious as this thing, if not moreso.  And the MAGAmorons and Christian Nationalists think this is all peachy keen.

Somehow, I think Christ would be a bit more upset about being portrayed by a thrice divorced, narcissist who embodies all 7 of the Deadly Sins than a group of people in the dress of the opposite sex in an homage to a painting of him done fifteen centuries after his death. 


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