Monday, July 29, 2024

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luther (Part 2843)...

 Superhero Anydays

Mighta posted this one before I don't really remember, but it's a cool cover so I wanna post it again.  It's the cover of the first 4 issue miniseries that started up West Coast Avengers.

Hawkeye, in the middle, was sent to Los Angeles to start a branch of the Avengers on the West Coast.  He had to pick four others to work with him.  The various headshots are possible choices, supposedly. 

Clockwise from upper right: Shroud; Namor (how generally works in the Atlantic, so he was unlikely); Ant-Man; Hercules; Quicksilver, Tigra, Wonder Man, Black Widow, Cyclops (who was in in X-Factor at that time and working out of New York, still not likely); Mockingbird, Doc Samson; Puck (who's Canadian and therefore also was a red herring); I have no idea who the red headed lady is; Iron Man; and Red Wolf.

In the end, joining Hawkeye was Tigra, Wonder Man, Mockingbird, and Iron Man. 
And today we have damn good cosplay of Lex Luthor!


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