Sunday, July 21, 2024

Firstly, Joe Biden is a hero and a patriot.  He has more then 50 years as a public servant, as, among other things, a Senator, a Vice-President and a President.  He accomplished amazing things with a 50-50 Senate and criminally hostile opposition.  

And he deserved better than to be shoved aside like week old leftovers by members of his own party. 

When I was first told of this, I was livid.  I am still angry, disappointed and frankly, scared.   

However, he endorsed Kamala Harris as his replacement.  And in doing so, he's, hopefully, avoided to Democratic self immolation in a fight over who should replace him.  I've seen many Congressional Democrats, up to and including President Pro-Temp of the Senate Patty Murray endorse her, as well as the Clintons.

What I want to see, and see hopefully today, is statements from other possible candidates endorsing her, Not the nobodies who ran against Biden in the primaries, that Dean someone from the upper midwest somewhere and that Marianne CrazyCrystals lady.  Fuck them, they're irrelevant.  Gavin Newsome and Gretchen Witmer I'm looking at your.  We need to hear your support. 

I hope before making this announcement, Biden and his people, got the other contenders to get in line to back her.    Also, I would hope they already have the VP pick made, vetted and ready to go.  I've heard a lot of names.  But I dont want to have a protracted VP discussion.  That needs to have been done before announcing. 

Frankly, my thinking is, Biden has said he'll be speaking later in the week.   Do nothing until he does, like maybe Tuesday or Wednesday night.  Have him give his well earned goodbye speech.  Then the next day, Wednesday or Thursday, have Harris announce her VP pick.  Gotta do it by then because Friday is the opening of the Olympics.   Closing ceremonies are August 11.   That's a little over two weeks when no one is gonna be paying any attention to the Democrats (well except for hard core fanatics like me).   During those two weeks, Harris and her VP could be traveling the country holding small rallies and fund raisers and working the people they need to work.  Then a little over a week after the Olympics, the Democratic Convention starts.  And then we're off to the races.   This is what I would suggest, were I to be a campaign consultant or something.  But I'm not, so what do I know? 

As I said, I'm still angry, very angry, but I don't have time to be angry.   We've only got 100 days to save American Democracy from the Republicans and Project 2025/Agenda 47/whatever the hell they're calling it now.   I can be angry after Harris is sworn in in January. 

But I say this: if she doesn't win, whatever happens to this country after that, whatever dystopian future comes to pass, the Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Warner, and all those other politicians who stabbed Joe in the back like this, AND more importantly, their mega-donors....All of that is on you.  All the blood and strife and turmoil and hurt and hurt that results is all on YOUR heads!  You're damn right I'm still angry. 


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