Sunday, July 21, 2024

My vices are priceless, I kinda like this....

 So hey, since there ain't much going on in the world today, let's have a fun guessing game, prediction game.  Let's see who we (and by we I mean me) think Harris' VP pick is gonna be.

So I've heard several names bandied about, and I agree they could be on a shortlist.  I suppose there could be others, but honestly, after racking my brain, I really can't come up with any others.  And I don't know that any of these will be the pick, but hey, I'm going with these.   In no particular order we have...

Gavin Newsom, Governor of California

He's a very attractive candidate, he's a helluva public speaker, and he'll make a great president some day.  However, he's ruled out right away cause he and Harris are both from California an the Constitution says that's a no-no.    Plus, his ego and ambition won't let him be anything but the man out front. 

Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan

She's a very attractive candidate too, and would make a helluva president some day.  She's smart, a great speaker, and very much a rising star in the party.  Plus, she'd help being the swing state of Michigan into the Democrats column. 

However, I don't think it's her.  It's gonna be hard enough to sell a female presidential candidate to some people, having only females on the ticket will make that an even harder sell. 

Josh Shapiro, Governor of Pennsylvania 

Josh Shapiro is my governor and I proudly voted for him in 2022 and look forward to doing so in the future for that office or some other.   He's been attorney general of PA too, and at only 51 years old (bastard's younger than ME!...but then so is Whitmer, she's 52.  Newsom though is older than 45 days.  but hey, it's still older!) he's a rising star in the party too.  And he'd help with getting Pennsylvania in the blue column too.   

But, he's only been a governor for less than 2 years, that's not much experience.  Also, he's Jewish.  Which obviously doesn't matter to me, but it may matter to some others....a woman and a Jew might be too much for some.  But mainly, I think he's out because of the lack of experience.  Give him until 2032, he'll still be under 60.

Pere Buttigieg, Secretary Of Transportation

Now this guy, this man, this fella is who I'd LOVE to see on the ticket!   He is an AMAZING, OUTSTANDING speaker.  He reminds me of Obama.  I've seen him rip to shreds Republican arguments calmly, professionally, and with facts and with joy in doing so.   He speaks 8 languages, is a veteran and was in Iraq at least once (might be two, not sure), and has been a phenomenal Transportation Secretary, and he was my first choice for president in 2020.  

But, he's gay.  And again, that doesn't bother me in the least (duh),   But as unsure as I am about the country electing a black woman, I think it's even more unlikely that it will elect a gay man.   Not now, not yet.  And a black, a woman, and gay on the same ticket will, I think doom that ticket.  Sadly.

Andy Beshear, Governor of Kentucky

I've heard this name once or twice.  I don't know much about him, other than he's a Democratic governor of a red Southern state.   So I suppose the theory is he'd help with Southern men, but I don't think there's that many Southern men who aren't already in the MAGA camp.  And those that aren't are not likely to vote for a white Southern man who's lower on the ticket than a West Coast black woman.  And there is exactly zero change Kentucky's voting blue this year.  The last time Kentucky went blue was for Bill Clinton twice in the 90s and it's only done so three times total in the last 50 years.  Plus he's only 46...bastard's 10 years younger than me.....anyway, I don't even see him making the short list.

Mark Kelly, Senator from Arizona

Okay, this one, of these six, is the one I would choose.  He's from Arizona, so that would help us get the state and help with the Senate race there.  He married to Gabrielle Gifford, who was a victim of a public shooting a few years ago.  He's a Navy veteran AND an astronaut.  That's a great story!  He's 60, just a year older than Harris.   And with Arizona having a Democratic governor who would appoint a Democrat to replace him if he won, that wouldn't affect the balance in the Senate.

The downside would be, like Shapiro, his lack of experience.  He was just elected to the Senate in 2020, so he's only got 4 years....which incidentally is 2 years more than the Republican candidate Vance who only has 2 years experience.  

Plus, he and Harris are both from the West, so there would be no geographic balance.  But I don't think that matters much anymore.  And remember 32 years ago, Clinton and Gore were from Arkansas and geographic balance there.  And they won twice.

So of this list, I'd go with Senator Kelly.  Not sure that Harris will, not sure that any of these are even on her shortlist, but this is who I'd go with. 

Who do YOU think it'll be? 


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