Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Appreciate, then you can, ring my bell (Part 74)...

 Perez Appreciation Post

Today we have some art that's almost 40 years old! (I can't believe it's been THAT long!)  It's from the Crisis On Infinite Earths.  It shows a line of Earths being destroyed, obviously, but also a bunch of the characters from the various Earths.  The detail here is classic Perez, and why he's one of my favorite, if not THE favorite, artist. 

I'm just gonna try to name these roughly left to right: 
Lex Luthor (Earth-3), Jon "Green Lantern" Stewart, Batman, Steel, Ultraman (Earth-3), Harbinger's legs, Killer Frost, Psycho-Pirate (Earth-2), Obsidian (Earth-2), Geo-Force, Psimon, Firebrand (Earth-2), Dawnstar, Cyborg, Blue Beetle (Earth-4), Arion, Firestorm, Superman (Earth-2) and Pariah (Earth-Omega).

But again, all the Earths, the debris, the various heroes and villains....just incredible work. 


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