Sunday, September 15, 2024

I would not sell my collection, for if I did, I would cry (Part 106)...

 Today's In The History Of Polt's Comic Book Collection

Today, we travel back to September of 2009, the month and year I moved into my house, and DC's Justice League Cry For Justice. 

I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't remember much about this series.  I know it's right before the Poo52 destroyed everything good about DC in that craptastic reboot.  But DC wasn't as good right before then anyway...maybe that's why I don't know remember a lot about this miniseries.   

I do remember the "Justice League" in this series was as a weird one: among it's members were brand new members Supergirl, Congorilla, Starman II, and Captain Marvel JR, along established heroes like Green Arrow, Green Lantern and the Atom.  I wasn't opposed to new members (except maybe Congorilla, an E or F-List hero at best!), but for them all to be dumped in at once, without a large number of established heroes was a bit much. 

Again, I really remember nothing about this series, so that tells you how good it actually was. 


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