Thursday, September 19, 2024

 I'd kick myself in the ass, if I could. 

I heard in July the US government had outlawed Kaspersky antivirus software.  I've used Kaspersky for many years.  When I heard they were no longer going to be available, I contacted ALCMDPP and asked what he used.  He suggested Norton, he's used it for years.

So what did I do?  Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.  Cause I'm a moron.  I just kept putting off and putting off doing anything. 

And then, earlier this afternoon, I was on the computer and suddenly something orange flashed on a part of the screen and then disappeared.  And then another window popped up welcoming me to Ultra AV. 

What the hell? 

Getting online I saw that Kaspersky just shunted everything over to Ultra AV.  And I also saw that other commenters had a lot of problems with it.    GREAT.

So what I did, for what it's worth, I uninstaller Ultra AV and what remained of Kaspersky (even though others said they did that and it came back unwanted) and downloaded Norton, probably, too little too late.

So we'll see how all this works when I try to get on the laptop tomorrow. I do not have high hopes.  Because I'm a moron.  

But I'm letting you all know that if I stop posting out of the blue, or suddenly disappear, probably has something to do with this shit that has occurred because, once again, I'm a freaking moron. 

Just a total lazy moron. 


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