Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Tried to be a mess, tried to be my best (Part 18)...

 Best Of....

Looking over the 26 episodes in Season 3 of Star Trek the Next Generation, I can see that the series was definitely hitting it's stride.   Dr. Crusher was back, they had the "jackets" as part of the uniform, thus making them look less skin tight, and the stories increased by leaps and bounds.  There were still some stinkers ("Evolution" and "Captain's Holiday", I'm looking at you!), but by and large, the stories were much better. 

In choosing the best of the season, I was sorely tempted to pick one based up just three simple words: 

"Mister Worf...fire!"  Cut to black!  "The Best Of Both Worlds Part 1" was the first cliff hanger I can recall in any series.  I mean they're all de riguer nowadays, but it was something new back then.  And the episode was great, especially when paired with  Part II from the next season.  But in the end, I had to chose a different episode as the best.  And the one I chose is....

Yesterday's Enterprise

I mean, come ON!  How can this NOT be the best?  Alternate universes?  I LOVE that shit.   The Federation at war with the Klingons, the Enterprise a waship: no family, everyone's armed, darker lit, Wesley in a uniform, no Worf, but look who's back: Tasha Yar!   And this episode directly allows future episodes to be occur, for without this episode, there's be not Sela!  And if you don't know who she is...well there's not enough time now for me to go into it.  

Suffice it to say, not only is this, in my opinion, the best episode of the season, but it's certainly in the top five episodes of the whole freakin series. 


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