Sunday, September 01, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 1)....

 Heroes Of Two Earths

Sixty three years ago, in September 1961, DC Comics published Flash #123.

It's titles was "Flash Of Two Worlds".  And in it, it was revealed that all the Silver Age (since the late 50s) comic titles took place on Earth-1, and all the DC Comics published before that (since like 1938 until the late 50s), in the Golden Age, took place on an alternate Earth called Earth-2. 

In celebration or that anniversary, this month we'll be showing Characters that exist on both Earths, whether they're 'exact' copies or whether they're similar copies, but different.   If you don't know anything about this, you may learn as the month progresses. 

Anyway, in the first place, today, I'll just let you know there were more than just Two Earths.  Oh there were infinite Earths.

There was, as I mentioned, Earth 1 and Earth 2.  There was Earth Prime, with supposedly no heroes at all, it was the Earth we all lived on.   There was Earth 3, where everything was reversed: good was bad, bad was good, etc, etc.   There was Earth 4, aka Earth C, which was where all the Carlton Comics characters (that DC acquired the rights to in the 70s) lived.  There was Earth S, where was all the Captain Marvel characters (that DC acquired the rights to also in the 70s) lived.  There was Earth X, where the Nazis won WWII, and the Freedom Fighters lived to fight them.  Earth 6 was the home of Lady Quark, but was destroyed in the Crisis.   There were many many other Earths, usually created when one thing happened different (like if Clark Kent became Batman instead of Superman, or where Kamandi the Last Boy lived on a dystopian destroyed Earth, or where Superman's rocket went of course and never arrived on Earth, etc, etc, etc).  But we'll only be dealing with Earth 1 and Earth 2. 

At any rate, starting tomorrow we'll ne dealing with individual characters. 


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