Friday, September 13, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 13)...

 Heroes Of Two Earths

Unlike most of the other ones in this series, today we have two heroes with the same name, same secreti identity, same powers and same origin: Green Arrow. 

Oliver Queen was a rich guy who's private yacht crashed near some deserted island.  He made it there, and then to survive, he fashioned a rudimentary bow and arrows and shot and killed the wildlife there until he was rescued.   This is the same on both Earths.   And over time, they both adopted sidekicks Roy Harper

They both started with Earth-2's Green Arrow's (on the right) costume, though over time the Earth-1's Green Arrow changed to this modernized costume. 

Some other differences are on Earth-2, Green Arrow and Speedy helped found the Seven Soldiers of Victory.  On Earth-1 Green Arrow was the first non-founding member to join the JLA, and Speedy was a the fifth teen to join the Teen Titans.   Also, on Earth-1, Green Arrow became longtime boyfriend and much later husband to Black Canary. 


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