Sunday, September 15, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 14)...

 Heroes Of Two Earths

Today we have roughly the same person: Earth-2's Hawkgirl (on left) and Earth-1's Hawkwoman (on right).  

Both were the wives of Hawkman.  Hawkgirl was Shiera Sanders Hall, and was a reincarnation of an Egyptian queen (don't ask, it's too complicated).  She was active during WWII fighting alongside the All-Star Squadron, and although her husband was the longtime member and chairman of the JSA, she didn't join officially until decades later.  Together they had a son, Hector, who became a hero himself and gave them a grandson Daniel.  Hawkwoman was Shayera Hol and, like her husband, was an alien from the planet Thanagar.   They both were law enforcement there and came to Earth and stayed here.  Both were members of the JLA. They had no children.  So once again (like the Green Lanterns) Earth-2 heroes get their power from magic (reincarnation, Nth metal magical metal forged in ancient Egypt allowing them to fly) while Earth-1 heroes get their power from science (alien technology far beyond ours makes Nth metal allowing them to fly and giving them a spaceship to travel in a live in in Earth orbit).


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