Sunday, September 15, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 15)...

 Heroes Of Two Earths

Today we have the Hawkmen! 

Hawkman of Earth-2, Carter Hall, on the left.  Archeologist, Egyptologist, discovered he was the reincarnation of an ancient Pharoh.  Found the Nth metal, it allowed him to fly, and he became Hawkman.  Fought evil during WWII.  Was a member of the wartime All-Star Squadron.  Was founding member, chairman and longtime member of the JSA.

Hawkman of Earth-1, Katar Hol, on the right.  He's an alien policeman from the planter Thanagar.  Using Thanagar science, and the Nth metal they made, he came to Earth in his spaceship, and lived and worked here, fighting crime and joining the JLA. 

I'd be remiss in not noting that Hawkman1 has gone through so many freaking reboots and rewrites, that I currently have no idea what his origin actually is.  So I'm going with the one I know, the one that was the case up until circe 1990 when DC started fucking around with the character and his origin and messed everything up royally. 


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