Monday, September 16, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 16)...

 Heroes Of Two Earths

Today we have the Clown Prince Of Crime, Batman's Nemesis: The Joker! 

Earth-2's Joker (on the left) was the first enemy Batman of the that Earth fought.  And Earth-1's Joker (on the right) was one of that Batman's most frequent enemy.  

They were the same person, just different in ages by some 25 years or more.  Also, Joker2, did not have his facial muscles and such permanently contorted into the obscene smile of Joker1.  Joker2 could, and did, frown, both when sad and angry.   Joker2 was less homicidal and more prankster-ish,   When Joker2 found out Batman had been killed, he turned himself in and remained in Gotham State Penitentiary until he died, not even trying to escape as he had done hundreds of times in the past.   Without Batman out there to torment, there seemed no point, to him. 


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