Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 18)....

 Heroes From Two Earths

Today, we have a bit of an unusual case: Red Tornado.    He was an android built by reoccurring JLA villain T.O. Morrow, of Earth-1, for use against the JSA on Earth-2 (photo on left) (not really sure why that was done, but whatever).  He joined the JSA and then, as programmed, betrayed them, attempting to destroy them.  But in the end, his innate goodness came to fore and he destroyed himself instead of betray them.  

Then, years later, he reappeared on Earth-1 (photo on right) and then later joined the JLA for a long time. 

There was also a Golden Age heroine named Red Tornado, who was active during the WWII era, but the less said about her the better. 


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