Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 4)...

 Heroes of Two Earths

Today, on the left we have the Atom of Earth-1, Ray Palmer, and two of his costumes (on the right his original costume and the one when he was in the South America jungle with a tribe of tiny humans) and on the right we have the Atom of Earth-2, Al Pratt, and two of his costumes (on the left his original costume and on the right the costume after WWII after he gained his 'atomic punch'. 

They have the same superhero names, but they're two entirely different people.  Atom2 originally was just a short guy with a good right left hook.  After WWII, he was hit by a blast of radiation and from that he gained an 'atomic punch'.

Atom1 was as scientist who, through a white dwarf star fragment, found ways to shrink himself down to a tiny size or even a sub-atomic size.


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