Friday, September 13, 2024

We have to fight elections, for our cause (Part 13)...

 Election 2024

This is what I told to my friend, and to a co-worker, since the debate.  So yeah, let's say she was given the questions ahead of time, and she had her "magical speaker earrings", and she was coached by Obama (okay, so the last one told to me said co-worker, might have happened, although I don't think so, but the first two are just patently nuts), so what?  So freaking what?  

Her having the questions wouldn't have made tRump shout "They're eating the DOGS!  They're eating the PETS!"   "Magical speaker earrings" wouldn't have made him chose Victor Orban of all the world leaders to be the one who likes him...Victor Orban, who destroyed democracy in Hungary.  Coaching by Obama wouldn't have made him respond with "I have a concept of a plan." 

No he did all those himself.  Because he's an idiot.  And because he only has his Hate-Fest Rally rants, that's it.  

And all of that he would have done had Harris not even said a word. 


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