Saturday, September 06, 2014

He did the pink, the pink elephant.....

Last Saturday night, I had a gentleman caller over for some bedtimesexxyfun, and that resulted in my missing of the second episode of the new season of Doctor Who.  This is okay, however, because they always replay the last episode before the new one.  So, tonight, I got to see two new (to me) episodes.  Yippee.

So having just finished watching last week's episode "Into A Dalek" what do I have to say about it.  Just three words.



Here...take a look.

How about a close look?

Or what about a much CLOSER look?

Okay, I'll say it for all of you:  DAY-UM!

Yeah, he IS that easy on the eyes.  And just take a look at him when he smiles:

Melts my cold dead heart.  I understand he's supposed to be some kind of regular, perhaps another companion.  IF that is the case, then I don't really care how crappy the stories may be.  If I've got him to look forward to, then I'll enjoy the entire season.


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