Friday, April 01, 2016

Last night, I called in and took today off.  I feel much much better than yesterday, but I'm still achey, and wiped out.  The fever left yesterday though, thank goodness.  I've been spending the day so far just popping Advil, sitting on the couch watching 30 For 30 docs on TV, and eating Mama Polt's Homemade Chicken Corn Soup!

God, I was sick yesterday...I don't know when the last time was I was that sick.  Yesterday morning, I got up about 4am to pee and went back to bed, everything was fine.  I work up a bit after 5, and my stomach was roiling and I had a pretty bad headache.  It's crazy just how fast that came on me.

My one co-worker had been out for two weeks sick, I wasn't sure if she was coming in or not.  I expected the other co-worker to be in, but just in case he wasn't, I got up and get myself ready for work.  Downing some Pepto I figured would help.

I passed on my usual 24 oz Rutters coffee cause I didn't want to risk putting that in my stomach.  Instead I had a cup of oatmeal and some tea when I got to work.  It turns out both my coworkers were there yesterday, and the longer I sat at my desk, the worse I felt.  So I took off work and came home. I stopped by the store on the way home to get Pepto, Advil and some Ginger Ale (that helps with upset tummies).

When I got home, I laid on the couch in pain.  Moving any part of my body hurt.  I feel asleep for three hours, and when I woke up, I was drenched in sweat: my shirt, the pillow, everything.  I guess that's when the fever broke.  After that, I still had (and still do) have some body aches, and a slight headache, but it's still much better than yesterday.

I thought at first it was a stomach thing, but now I'm thinking it was something else entirely.  My stomach didn't bother me much once I got home and started drinking the ginger ale and just laying around.  But the rest of me was the problem.

At any rate, I'm feeling better, although not 100%.  So I think I'll do some posts here.


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