Thursday, June 02, 2016

Today, I didn't go to work.  Initially, when the alarm went off I wasn't feeling it, just wasn't feeling work at all.  So I called in and took the day and went back to sleep.  But then later when I woke up, I had a pretty bed headache, right behind my left eye.

When I finally got out of bed, about 10:45, the headache was in full force. I took some Advil and that helped a lot.

But I still havent had a good day.  Since getting back from Toronto in mid-April, I have not been able to get my blood sugar to where I want it.  Prior to that, in the morning, my blood sugar was usually 80s or 90s.  Since then, it's only been under 100 a few times.  And I dont understand why.  I'm not eating like I should, true, but I'm not eating any worse than I was before Toronto.

Here's what I don't understand: yesterday I got home from work. I took a 45 minute walk.  Later, a bit after 6, I had supper consisting of steak, with A1 sauce, green beans and deviled eggs, and drank Diet Coke.  And for dessert I had one sugar cookie.   I was done eating before 6:30.

I took my blood sugar before bed after 9, and it was 208, not great but not as bad as it has been before.  I had nothing else to eat, took my pills, gave myself the insulin shot, went to bed, read and to sleep.

Then, close to 14 hours later, after eating nothing, I get up and test the blood sugar, and it's....133? What the hell?  I excercised, ate low carb/low sugar (primarily) and even after 14 hours, it had only dropped 70 points?  Previously, it had dropped from like 288 and in only 10 hours, was down to 95!  I don't understand.  It's very frustrating.

My major concern, other than the frustration, is what a previous doctor told me: eventually, if I don't get this under control, my pancreas will just give up and stop making insulin at all!

I'll see the doctor in like three weeks.  I hope I have it back under control by then though.


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