Sunday, June 12, 2016

Yesterday, as you should know already, we went to DC Gay Pride Parade.  We had a fun time, I took some pics, etc, etc, etc.

I cannot post them or talk about it at this time.

As you should also know, a vile person with a legally obtained automatic fire arm, entered a gay nightclub in Orlando last night and shot 103 people, 50 of which died.

Today is no time to take about fun, frivolous, silly things.

It saddens me, but I know nothing will change.  I realized that a few years ago when a room full of school kids were slaughtered by a firearm welding maniac.  And NOTHING CHANGED.

When we, as a nation, have decided that it's more important for some person to be able to get almost ANY kinda of firearm in almost ANY amount he wishes...when that's more important than the lives of a group innocent children...I knew nothing would ever change.

And the religion of the shooter is irrelevant.  There will always be hate, there should never be a way to kill 50 people in a minuscule amount of time.  But nothing will change.  

Not until a white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant walks into meeting of the NRA and blows a batch of their members away, nothing will change.  And maybe not even then.

So I'll post about the Pride Parade, and the fun we had.  But not today.  Today is for thought, reflection, and prayer.

And for dealing with the anger, depression, fear and sadness I'm currently dealing with.


1 comment:

ESCRITOR said...

The REVUE universe is in solidarity with all the victims' families in the United States Nightclub