Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I would not sell my collection, for if I did, I would cry (Part 103).....

 Today In The History Of Polt's Comic Book Collection

Today we're going back to June 1993 and Marvel's Alpha Flight #121.

This was near the end of the original series. and frankly, it wasn't very good.  It hadn't been good for some time.  The series would be canceled within the year.  The membership was non-sensical, the change to everyone having similar, instead of unique, costumes was just silly.  And you can see how desperate they were to increase readership by having Spider-Man front, and center, and quite prominent on the cover. 

Still I hung with them.  Because I had been there since issue one, since before issue one, when they guest starred in the X-Men.  Through thick and thin...and terribly storylines. 

Honestly, when they end came, it was a blessing. 

And the revivals that happened over the years did nothing to make it better.  The old magic of the first 25 issues or so just could not be recaptured. 


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