Thursday, September 05, 2024

Check this out, real quick, don't know if everybody know (Part 4788)...

 Check This Out!

If you wonder the cause of pretty much any problem plaguing America today, you can't go wrong by laying at the feet of Reagan. 

Mentally ill people on the streets?  Reagan closed the mental hospitals.
Sky high national debt?  Reagan added billions to the budget deficit each year. 
Fox News and right wing talk radio?  Reagan vetoed a renewal of the Fairness Doctrine thus allowing them to come into existance. 
Income disparity?  Reagan was the father of Trickle Down Economics, which has done nothing but move money up from the poor to the rich. 
Labor Union membership low?  Reagan fired the air traffic controllers union and busted others.

It can ALL be traced back to him and his disastrous 8 years in office.  


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