Thursday, September 05, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 5)...

 Heroes Of Two Earths!

Today we have the Batman of Earth1 and Earth2.  Both named Bruce Wayne, both orphaned, both millionaires.  Both have butlers named Alfred. Both had sidekicks named Robin, aka Dick Grayson.  There were some differences.  Earth2 Batman (on the right) was active during the WWII era.  After the war, he married Catwoman and they had a daughter Helena, who became the heroine Huntress.  He gave up superheroing and became Gotham City's Police Commissioner, replaced Jim Gordon.  And in the late 70s, he was killed by a criminal he had put away years earlier. 

Batman of Earth1 is the one most readers would be familiar with: still Batman, has had about four or five Robin sidekicks, still single, member of the JLA and later founded the Outsiders, has a child Damian the daughter of Ra's al Ghul.

Same name, different life.  Different Earths.


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