Friday, September 06, 2024

Two worlds, one family (Part 6)...

 Heroes Of Two Earths

Today we have Black Canary and her daughter (in her unfortunate late 80s costume) Black Canary.   They're a bit convoluted, see if you can stay with me. 

Dinah Drake, in the 40s was Black Canary, a heroine with no super powers just a good fighter and a desire to do good and fight crime.  And so she did. And she was a member of the JSA until it disbanded.  Now there's nothing convoluted about that.  Bear with me. 

In the 60s when the Earth-1 JLA and the Earth-2 JSA starting teaming up every year, she was still in the JSA.  In the last 60s, she decided to move to Earth-1 and join the JLA where she became the girlfriend/fiance of Green Arrow.  No problems so far right? 

Well in the mid-80s, some people we realizing, she'd been a crime fighter for 40 years, and if she was in her 20s when she started, that means she was almost Social Security age.  Which she neither looked like nor acted. 

So the power that be at DC decided to do something about it: they did a retcon.   They said that in the early 50s, Dinah Drake married Larry Lance and they had a daughter Dinah Drake Lance.  But even as child, she displayed a "sonic scream", creating a devastating noise when she cried.  And she couldn't control it.  So she was put into an interdimensional area and kept comatose, all by mystical means.  There she grew to adulthood, but still comatose. 

Now in the late 60s, Dinah's husband had been killed and she wanted to get away to Earth-1, but she was affected by the radiation that killed her husband.  So by mystical means, she took over her daughter's body leaving her own body to die., left the interdimensional space and moved to Eatth-1 and continued on. 

Now after a few years, the Crisis on Infinite Earths occurred which, to greatly summarized, took 5 Earths and meshed them into one, including Earth-1 and Earth-2.  And that meant that there was a Black Canary in World War II and during the 1980s.  And she hadn't shown signs of age.  And some people in power at DC realized how creepy it was about taking over her daughter's body. 

So the retconned the retcon.  They said Black Canary1 was active during WWII and later in the 70s and 80s, her daugher just took over the name of Black Canary and had her own adventures. 

So if you're still with me, that's it in a nutshell.  


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