Friday, September 06, 2024

 Just wanna put this out there for what it's worth.

As of this week: 

Sitting President Biden has endorsed Harris.
Former President Obama has endorsed Harris. 
Former President Clinton has endorsed Harris.
Former President Carter has endorsed Harris.
Former Vice President Mike Pence (Republican and tRump's 1st VP) has endorsed Harris.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney (Republican) has endorsed Harris.
Former Vice President Al Gore has endorsed Harris. 
Former Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton has endorsed Harris.
Former Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney has said won't be voting for tRump, but hasn't said he will vote for Harris. 
Former Presidential Candidate John Kerry has endorsed Harris.
Former Presidential Candidate Mike Dukakis has endorsed Harris. 

So to summarize, every living former President, every living former Vice President, and every living Presidential Candidate who lost, Democratic or Republican  from the last 36 years has endorsed Harris.  Except for two. 

tRump himself and Bushie. 

So I have to ask....

George W. Bush, where are you? 

Oh yeah, and there's Dan Quayle too....wonder what's up with him?  Does he know how to spell potato yet?  Although to be fair, he DID tell Pence not to do what tRump was telling him to do with counting the Electoral Votes in 2022, so he's certainly not gonna be supporting the orange shitgibbon this time around.

Oh, and by the way, tRump has the brainworm, bear cub killing guy with a famous last name, the My Pillow Guy and Kevin Sorbo. 


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