Sunday, September 15, 2013


So this week....yeah, this week kinda sucked.  All week, I've had sinus issues.  And not just the pressure and headache, oh no, but the draining of the gunk, which gave me a sore throat, and, since it's draining into
my stomach, an upset stomach as well.  And it's NOT like that all the time, oh no.  Some days it's just the headache, with no draining, other days it's all three at once.  This week, out of 40 hours to be spent at work, I was off 18 of them.  I thought it might be a sinus infection, but it doesn't FEEL like a sinus infection (and I've had plenty of them to know), and also, it's not the same thing constant.  Like today, just a slight headache...but then my nose has been running most of the day.  Hopefully this is the end of it, though.
Since I bought the house, the toilet as...leaked?  No, that's not it, but the water is always dribbling from the tank into the bowl.  And over time, it's gotten worse.  And since I've been here 4 years now, there's permanent, brown water stains on the back of the bowl.  So while I could just have the toilet fixed, I decided I want to go get a new one.  One with an unstained bowl, and a better bowl, one I like better than I one I have now.

So mom and I went to Lowes, and I found a toilet I wanted.  I took all the info down about it.  Then, since mom already had the plumber coming over to her place for some stuff, she brought him down to check out my toilet.  He measured and said he knew the toilet I was going to get and it was a good one and would fit.  So once I got the toilet, I just needed to let him know, and he'd come by and put it in.

Last Monday, Mom and I went to Lowes and I pulled the toilet off the shelf and put it on the cart.  Then I saw her put her purse on top of the box and start to root around in it.  I asked her what she was doing.  She said getting her credit card out.  And when I asked why, she stopped, looked up at me and said, "Didn't I tell you I was buying this for you for Christmas?"  I shook my head and she added, "Well I've told everyone  else!"  I asked who and she listed off her neighbors, some family members, the ladies she plays cards with, the lady she delivers Meals On Wheels with.  I told her she didn't have to do that, that I intended on getting it.  But she TOLD me she was getting it for me.  And as we pushed the cart to the register, I laughing asked, "Well are you gonna pay to get it put in too?"  And she said she was.  I tried to tell her no, I was at least going to pay for that....but seriously, when she gets something in her head....well, that's all there is to it.

So right how, I have a toilet, in the box, sitting in my dining room, just waiting for the plumber to get here.  All compliments of mom, for Christmas.

I watched the Spartacus prequel and am halfway through the second season.  I'm still pretty meh about it all.  Perhaps it's because I'm watching them all back to back, like watching four hours or more of it at a time.  But really, there's entirely too much blood and boobs.  Way too many are simply gratuitous.  If I were watching them a week apart maybe I wouldn't think so, but that's not what's happening.  Still, I *AM*going to watch all of what remains of the second season and all of the third also.  Even though there's not anywhere NEAR enough male full frontals, there IS still a LOT of eye candy.
This week, while not feeling well sitting on the couch, I watched the entire first season of Downton Abbey.  LOVED it.  Wished I had the rest of the seasons here to watch right now.  Had to order season two, that should be here soon.  I love nearly everything about it.  I love, just as is usual, simply everything that comes out of Maggie Smith's mouth.

"No Englishmen would dream of dying in someone else's house."

"Things are different in America."
"I know.  They live in wigwams."

"What is a weekend?"

"I take that as a compliment."
"I must have said it wrong."

Oh my God, LOVE her!
DC Angel (remember him?) and I have been texting, attempting to get together again for another hookup, but with this week's sinus troubles...well it hasn't happened.  Hopefully soon.  Despite our problems a few years ago, he's really just pretty amazing in bed.
The weather has been crazy.  Tuesday through Thursday, it was like late July: temps in the 90s and humid like a sauna.  Come Friday, its cooler, less humid, breezy, just awesome.  Temps were only a high of 75.  In the span of two days, it went from having to have the a/c on all the time here at home to needing to wear some Totes Toasties on my feet to keep them warm.  But I LOVE this weather the most of any.  Autumn, my favorite time of year.
Grandma was in the hospital again last week, probably because of the weather.  She was having trouble breathing, her asthma was acting up again.  Badly.  But after two days in there, and few changes in meds, she's back home and doing...well, as well as an 89 year old lady with congestive heart failure who's had open heart surgery and a cancerous tumor removed from her colon can be.
And of course, the Obligatory Bits-N-Pieces Eye Candy!


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

You know you're a grown up when you get a toilet for a present.

Glad your grandma is out of the hospital. She just may outlive us all!

Yay - Downton Abbey!