Saturday, September 21, 2013

Time is of the essence and wait for no man....

So I have a subscription to Time Magazine, I get the new one every Saturday.  Today, when I got home from work and checked the mail, this is what I found:

Really?  REALLY Time?  This, THIS is your cover story?  "Can Google solve death?"  What the HELL?

Look, I know there are slow news weeks sometimes.  But you know what else is going on now?  Well, it's possible there may still be a military strike on Syria if they don't turn over the chemical weapons.  And 13 people were massacred in the nation's capitol less than 5 miles from the White House and the Capitol.  And the Congressional Republicans are threatening to shutdown the government, default on paying our bills, ruin our nation's credit rating, stifle our fragile economic recovery and tank the global economy just to ensure 30 million people don't get insurance.

But no, Time, let's not make any of those the cover story.  No, instead let's make it some stupid, idiotic eye grabber involving technology and death!  Really.

How sad.



Anonymous said...

Well - we are getting much better at cheating death.

I suggest you read about Aubrey de Gray. And there's a physician in NYC that basically has dropped heart attack death rates dramatically.

We may be stepping into the future here with the ability not just to hack pieces off the body but to regenerate them and solve puzzles like viruses and cancers through genetic engineering.

And we know what causes aging, it's the shortening of the telomeres each time cells divide.

In rats and mice they have a genetic mutation introduced that essentially stops telomeronic degradation and it enhances the lifespans by 50% or greater on these smaller critters.

Polt said...

I think you misunderstand, truthspew. I dont mind the 'story' itself at all. My issue was, they make THAT the cover story?

To me, the cover story should be the biggest news story of the week, which to me would be the slaughter of 13 people in the nation's captiol. It should not, in my opinion, be a story headline by a question of something which may or may not be possible, at some point in the future.

but I'm not a national newsmagazine editor, so what the hell do I know, right?


Tam said...

I found this pretty interesting.