Monday, September 16, 2013

you wrote me poetry, you had a way with words (Part 6)...

Song Lyric Or Polt's Poetry?

Last time we actually had a set of lyrics, "Twenty Four Hours" by the Joy Division.

Amie: 4/0
john: 1/0
Michelle M.: 3/2
Tam: 2/1
truthspew: 2/0
vuboq: 2/2

After 5 of these, I've come to two conclusions. 1) I really dont have that much poetry that I can post here that won't OBVIOUSLY be my poetry, cause it IS that bad, and 2) you guys dont seem too interested in this.  So, this will be the last of this series.  Unless I come upon one or two things I might want to do at some point in the future.

So thanks for all that played.  We'll see if I can come up with a different interactive game.


1 comment:

Amie said...

After I voted for you helping your mom I remembered that I had seen her that day working out front on the hedges and you weren't helping. So, I knew I was wrong from the beginning.