Saturday, September 07, 2013

Dog eat dog and cat eat mouse....

OhmiGOD, these have me laughing out LOUD!

And is yet more proof why I love dogs and why cats are Spawns of Satan.

Plus, the dog friend was MUCH cuter than the cat friend...just like dogs are cuter than cats.



Ryan said...

Dog friend has a cool super power:

Anonymous said...

I like both cats and dogs. But I can't keep a dog - both allergies and lifestyle make that an impossibility.

However been owned by cats for over 20 years now. At one time there were three feline residents, now there's just one. But cats can be every bit as needy as dogs. Trust me on that one. My first cat - he would be at the door waiting for me when I got home from work. He'd also growl at the door if someone knocked. He knew how to play fetch and was a champion clown. I mean come on, that cat loved dairy product to the point where he'd get his head stuck in an empty Ben & Jerry's container and then try to back out of it.

Tam said...

Ha! I've seen the gifs and pictures of those but not the videos. Funny.

Michelle M. said...

(There probably isn't a guy cute enough to represent one, though).