Monday, September 30, 2013

Window, a window to my soul, left open....

As proof that the cold weather is on it's way, recently, I had to shut the bathroom window.  My bathroom window opens out onto a balcony covered by a roof.  The rain NEVER gets in to that window.  So I put it up when it gets warm, sometime in mid May usually, and leave it open all summer.  And then, when it gets colder, sometime in September usually, I put it down, keeping it shut until the next spring.

I like having it up, cause the steam goes out that way and doesn't fog up the mirror.  Conversely, in the winter, that steam keeps the bathroom warm for when I step out to dry off.

So, now, the bathroom window is shut..and the bathroom mirror fogs up.  But come on Winter, my bathroom is ready for you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah - most windows are closed with only a couple open about an inch or so. Heat still isn't turned on though. I won't do that until November if i can help it.